District Stories

39 Seniors Honored as Walt Whitman High School’s Top-Scoring SAT/ACT Scholars

Written by Liz DeMonte | Mar 14, 2024 5:56:47 PM

Thirty-nine Walt Whitman High School seniors saw their names added to the school plaque that honors the achievement of its high-scoring SAT/ACT Scholars.  The students’ outstanding academic achievement was recognized at the annual ceremony and breakfast as their proud families looked on.


The school recognition is awarded to seniors who score at least a 1300 on the SAT or a 29 on the ACT.  SAT or ACT scores are used by many colleges and universities to make admissions decisions.  The top score on the SAT is 1600 while the high score for the ACT is 36. 


"We gather to celebrate more than just academic excellence. We gather to honor dedication, perseverance, and the pursuit of knowledge,” said Principal John Murphy. “As SAT/ACT scholars, you have demonstrated not only academic prowess but also a commitment to personal growth and excellence.”


Those in attendance heard inspiring words from keynote speaker, Chairperson of Social Studies and Walt Whitman High School 1988 alum, Dr. James Corcoran. Dr. Corcoran spoke with excitement for Whitman’s bright students. He shared “the next chapter of your lives will entail self discovery and an eye opening look at the larger world. Your intellectual passions will be stirred and you’ll find your way to your initial career path which, I believe, will end very differently than from where it starts.”  He advised students to take responsibility for their lives and choices, and to enjoy the moments as they’re happening with gratitude. “Who you are in this moment, how you treat people, how you treat yourself, and what you do today is what matters most. Everyday, challenge yourself to live by your highest standard. Believe in yourself. You are enormously capable,” said Dr. Corcoran.


Special congratulatory remarks were offered by the Superintendent of Schools Dr. Vito D’Elia before the scholars were called up by Walt Whitman High School Assistant Principal, Jon Varlamos, to receive their certificates. In addition to the certificates, each student’s name is  inscribed on the SAT/ACT Scholars plaque that is displayed at the high school and commemorates their commitment to education for years to come.


Congratulations to Walt Whitman High School’s 2024 SAT/ACT Scholars:

Rachel Adam, John Adams, Syed Ahmed, Isabella Alvear, Christopher Boettger Smolich, Kevin Brown, Porter Chetty, Elana Denis, Gavin Fisch, Jack Fischer, Joseph Gemelli, Alexis Guarisco, Nicolas Guillermo, Kaitlin Guttier, Sophia Hassman, Ruby Hu, William lemma, Ismael Laraki, Angelina Liclican, Griffin MacPherson, Anthony Maraboli, Isabelle Minero, Kaityln Mondry, Eliana Montague, Chelsea Murphy, Shaun Murphy, Kate O'Phelan, Lillian O'Phelan, Luca Pugliese, Megan Rankel, Emily Redelman, William Schrama, Janiana Thai, Jonathan Thomas, Ava Tsolis, Jeffrey Valle, Kaylee Vera, Alfred Wang, and Rijaa Zaidi.


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Those in attendance heard inspiring words from keynote speaker, Chairperson of Social Studies and Walt Whitman High School 1988 alum, Dr. James Corcoran.


Scholars were honored one by one as their names were called to receive their certificates from BOE President Nicholas Ciappetta and BOE Trustees. 


Walt Whitman High School Principal, John Murphy, proudly stood with his son Shaun for earning the acknowledgement of SAT/ACT Scholar.


Friends celebrate together at the ceremonial breakfast before heading back to class!


Families proudly took the time to celebrate their Senior scholars. 


Dr. Corcoran encouraged students to stand and applaud their parents for their unwavering support as their active and silent cheerleaders. 


Students and their parents took the opportunity to stand and get their photo taken with the updated plaques as their names have been newly inscribed. 


Everyone enjoyed a delicious breakfast thanks to the South Huntington School Nutrition Services!