District Stories

Penny Wars Return to Stimson Middle School District

Written by Liz DeMonte | Oct 27, 2022 4:00:00 AM

Penny Wars returned to Stimson after a two-year hiatus and was their best year yet! Students and staff at the middle school raised over $5,100 as well as over 5,000 food items and 2,600 hygiene items. The money raised was the highest total they have ever raised! The competition began slowly on the mid-October Monday, but quickly heated up once students began sabotaging each other’s homerooms. For those who are new to Penny Wars, it’s a homeroom competition and community building activity where students and staff donate pennies each day. The homeroom that collects the most pennies wins, but there’s more to it! Homerooms can “sabotage” each other by donating other change. Additionally, homerooms that collect items for donation, such as macaroni & cheese, oatmeal, hygiene materials, etc. can help their odds. Penny Wars can get a little complicated, but it’s fun, engaging and helps raise money and support for local charities. This year, Stimson supported St. Hugh’s by donating all food and hygiene items. It took multiple staff members and cars to pack up all the donations and get them over to St. Hugh.

A big shout out and congratulations to Ms. Kurnicki’s class and their huge win with 77,632 points! Way to go everyone!

This year, Stimson supported St. Hugh’s in Huntington Station by donating all food and hygiene items that were donated.

Students were allowed to carry out 'sabotage missions' each morning and go to other homerooms and drop items into opponent homerooms’ collection containers that take points off their collection total.

Students and staff at the middle school collected over 5,000 food items and 2,600 hygiene items.

The money raised this year was the highest total Stimson has have ever raised!