Countrywood Celebrates Centennial at First BOE Meeting of 2025

As we continue South Huntington’s 100th anniversary celebration into the new year, the spotlight will shine on each of our schools. At one Board of Education meeting each month, students from one of our schools will perform and/or make special presentations in honor of our centennial.
Countrywood Primary Center kicked off our special board meeting performances on January 8th at the district offices in the James Kaden Administrative Building. As students gathered on the risers, we knew we were in for a treat. To begin, second grade student Nicholas Crocco sang a beautiful solo acapella version of “The Star Spangled Banner.”
The Countrywood Theatre Program’s second grade students then sang an enthusiastic rendition of “Do Re Mi.” They use this classic song from “The Sound of Music” as a voice warm-up in theatre, and they explained they chose this song for the celebration because it’s been sung by children around the world and in the classrooms of Countrywood for many, many years.
That was followed by the presentation of the second puzzle piece that each school will create to eventually join together to form one big finished puzzle representing all seven of South Huntington’s schools. “The symbolism of the puzzle pieces fitting together as part of a large puzzle represents the crucial role each school plays in our district. The puzzle piece reminds us that no matter how challenging or complex things are, we are working together to build a cohesive and educational environment. The power of collaboration is that we are stronger and more impactful when working together,” said Countrywood principal Mitch Levy.
Countrywood’s puzzle piece was crafted by art teacher Ms. Fronckwicz and her students. It is covered with the fingerprints of all the primary center’s students and their teachers.
Next, Ms. DiNorcia’s second grade dual language class filled the risers to explain what makes their school so special, in both English and Spanish, as they presented “The ABCs of CW.” The students wrapped up their wonderful performance by giving each member of the Board of Education a special pennant they created in the school colors - maroon and white - commemorating the district’s 100 years and displaying the words “Wildcat Pride.”
We thank Countrywood’s students and teachers, principal Mitch Levy, and assistant principal Kellie Njenga for all the hard work everyone put in getting ready for this performance! You did such a great job making us all feel so proud of our school district’s rich history and enduring legacy.
Second grade student Nicholas Crocco sang a beautiful solo acapella version of “The Star Spangled Banner” that impressed everyone in attendance.
Ms. DiNorcia’s second grade dual language class filled the risers to explain what makes their school so special, in both English and Spanish, as they presented “The ABCs of CW.”
Countrywood students, along with Principal Mitch Levy (right) and Assistant Principal Kellie Njenga (middle left) presented their school’s piece of the district puzzle with the Board of Education.
Each member of the Board of Education recieved a special pennant Countrywood created in maroon and white, commemorating the district’s 100 years and displaying the words “Wildcat Pride.”