Seniors Recognized at 2025 SAT/ACT Scholar Ceremony & Breakfast

Forty-one Walt Whitman High School seniors saw their names added to the school plaque that honors the achievement of its high-scoring SAT/ACT Scholars. The students’ outstanding academic achievement was recognized at the annual ceremony and breakfast on March 13th as their proud families looked on.
The school recognition is awarded to seniors who score at least a 1300 on the SAT or a 29 on the ACT. SAT or ACT scores are used by many colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. The top score on the SAT is 1600 while the high score for the ACT is 36.
Walt Whitman principal Dr. John Murphy praised these high achieving students for their “countless hours of hard work.” “Every day you show that you've been that positive inspiration, not only for yourself, but your family, your siblings, the people around you. And I want you to keep continuing to do that because that is why we find success. That's how you are. I know you're going to be successful because you have shown that you have the drive, the energy, and the purpose to make sure that you will never leave anything to chance,” said Dr. Murphy. He also thanked the parents and families for the role they play in the students' success - staying up late at night, positive encouragement, and “taking you to that SAT prep course at six o'clock in the morning on a Saturday.”
Those in attendance heard inspiring words from keynote speaker, Walt Whitman High School’s 2024-25 Teacher of the Year and Class of 1997 alum, Ms. Carrie Eastwood. Special congratulatory remarks were offered by the Superintendent of Schools Dr. Vito D’Elia before the scholars were called up by Walt Whitman High School Assistant Principal, Jon Varlamos, to receive their certificates. In addition to the certificates, each student’s name is inscribed on the SAT/ACT Scholars plaque that goes on permanent display at the high school and commemorates their commitment to education for years to come.
Congratulations to Walt Whitman High School’s 2025 SAT/ACT Scholars:
Lindsay Alms, Madeleine Bas, Lauren Breaton, Sameera Chaudhry, Shazaib Cheema, Luca Cioffi, Erin Conlon, Angelee Cordova Palma, Alexa Costello, Joseph D'Agostino, Julia Dean, Sara Duffy, Antoni Gamez, Shea Gannon, Jake Gurba, Jan Guzman Nunez, Heather Kowalczyk, William Lang, Abigail LaRegina, Sienna Leaver, Haylee Lemke, Nathan Lublin, John Marr, Christopher Martinez, Keira Mc Donald, Katherine Nadell, Sophie Porter, Dylan Reader, Sofia Reichhold, Anthony Reyes Santos, Kimberly Rivas, Daniel Roche, Caitlin Rosa, Sydni Russell, Molly Scavo, Palak Singh, Samantha Somer, Luke Vaughan, Maya Wedner, Adriana Yaroshevsky, and Ali Yousaf.
Those in attendance heard inspiring words from keynote speaker, Walt Whitman High School’s 2024-25 Teacher of the Year and 1997 alum, Ms. Carrie Eastwood.
Supervisor of Guidance Grades K-12, Mr. Corey Blair, congratulated the high school students being honored and gave them credit for their high scores earned with the technology available to them.
Scholars were honored one by one as their names were called to receive their certificates from Principal Dr. John Murphy, BOE President Nicholas Ciappetta, and Superintendent Dr. Vito D’Elia.
Walt Whitman High School Principal, John Murphy, proudly posed with his seniors for earning the acknowledgement of SAT/ACT scholars.
Students and their parents took the opportunity to stand and get their photo taken with the updated plaques with the newly inscribed names.
Friends celebrate together at the ceremonial breakfast before heading back to class!
The Walt Whitman High School library made for an academic venue, while allowing students and guests to enjoy a delicious breakfast thanks to the South Huntington School Nutrition Services.